Everything I've ever told you has been a lie. Including that.

"One must be careful with words. Words change probabilities into facts and by sheer force of definition, translate tendencies into habits."

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Some thoughts for today...
-At least someone actually READS this crap...granted, i've apparently gotten myself into trouble, perhaps having the link in facebook wasn't the best idea... although i am flattered that somebody would spend the time to read my rantings. which, by the way, is all it is. rantings for people back home so they know what's going on in my life, good or bad.
-However...apparently i've pissed someone off. Didn't mean to. Like i said, i use this as a place to vent, that's it, and really did not think that what i say mattered to anyone besides myself. I tend not to be a confrontational person...thus i voice my feelings through writing.
-It's better to try to hard than not try at all... and that's all i have to say about that. Had a yummy lunch with chris, overshadowed only by the fact that now i'm hated. but hey, if you're going to spend the time to read my facebook profile and my blog, yet not ever make an intiative to get to know me, or at least talk to me, well, then i don't know what to tell you.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Ah, Bard... Posted by Hello

rock this bitch

in case you hadn't noticed, all i seem to do on this damn thing is bitch and moan, but venting is good. btw, i want to marry gavin degraw, but i digress. anywho...so this weekend...i was informed that liz's oh so lovely bf is coming over friday night and spending ALL DAY SATURDAY here so they can have a movie marathon... VOMIT. so basically, i sleep all day, which, while a feasible option, is rather dull, or head home, do some laundry, and see some d-town and b&n people... and hit up the thrift, biotch. tom, if you're reading this, we need to thrift. perhaps saturday. liz says im just not used to being the third wheel, and she's right, and now that i'm here, it's really not a fun place to be... damn me and my good match-making intentions. i miss the days when liz and i were both alone and miserable. god, am i like 5 years old or what. seriously, i can be nice, i dont have any communicable diseases (that i know of), and i like to think that i'm just quirky, not weird. apparently now that chris has seen my more vulnerable side, the side that drinks vodka and cough syrup because i was having a really shitty week, i am now the freaky suicidal girl that needs to be avoided. not true by the way, the suicidal part anyway. i can be the ONLY one who has done that, and if you say i am, well, you're lying. or i could turn into liz and pretend to be happy all the time while secretly being miserable. nah, i prefer to just let it all show, take it or leave it. preferably take it.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

A List

Things that annoyed me today...in no particular order:
1. The fact that the girl next to me in my women's lit class turned to the girl next to her and said: "Seriously, we are the only intelligent people in the class." Um.....let's get out GPA/SAT scores and compare, bitches.
2. I have two midterms tomorrow, got drunk on tuesday night, slept through the review session yesterday for my midterm, which i have only been in for two days and now have to learn 4 weeks of class in, um, one night. YAY
3. It's cold out again.
4. Chris Shelton thinks i have "issues" and is in love with various people, myself most definitely NOT included in that list.
5. I miss **** .
6. The fact that the above mentioned girl from womens lit went on a whole thing about how people get intimidated by her because she's pretty and dresses well. Even though she looks like a sausage trying to fit into skinny girl clothes. not working so well, btw.
7. It's Thursday, meaning you-know-who will be sleeping over. HOORAY for strange men in my bathroom when i wake up in the morning.
8. The new issue of Us is CRAP.
9. Kate Bosworth weighs 115 lbs. NOT FAIR
10. Tom's car is finit. Meaning no visits. :(

i guess that'll do it for now...off to see ben folds/gavin degraw. maybe he's cuter in person.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

ladies and gentlemen...the shit has hit the fan

so... could things get any fucking worse? probably, now that i said that. let's see, my roomate and i arent talking, her ugly annoying boyfriend is here ALL THE TIME and his laugh is like fingernails going down a blackboard or something equally annoying. and the person i liked turned out to be an arrogant conceited ASSHOLE who seems to be out to make my life as miserable as possible. god i feel like im back in middle school again whining about how much my life sucks. but it does. maybe, just maybe, can SOMETHING, anything, go right? yes, granted, i'm acting like i'm 5, secretly maybe i'm jealous of liz because now she is madly in love, granted he got beaten with the ugly stick, at least my southern boy was better looking. except he's not mine, and even if he was handed to me on a platter i'd probably throw it on the ground. lets see...he hates pretty much everything about me, my clothes, my shoes, the smoking, and those are only the things he knows about. god help me. time to pull out the jerk magnet shirt, or better yet, put an ad in the daily campus: swf looking for arrogant, committmentphobe, slightly gay guy to fuck with me and then laugh about it afterwards. oh but wait, i get those guys anyway. haha. lucky me.